Even before the patch is available to other console version of EA Sports' "FIFA 16," the PC and PlayStation 4 version of the game already has received a second update.
According to Design and Trend, the update for PC version of EA Sports' "FIFA 16" includes bug fixes and game improvement improvements. Moreover, it is on this second patch that EA Sports reportedly addressed the issues pointed out by the "FIFA" community. Some of the said improvements where geared at the "FIFA" trainer button tuning, player clipping and referee/kit clashes. Other than that, the patch has also Optimized goalkeeper rushing, AI, and positioning, improved player wage accuracy in Career Mode, addressed an exploit in Virtual Pro leaderboards, addressed a shot missing the top corner and still being called a goal.
As for the FUT items, according to Design and Trend, the following improvements were made on EA SPORTS Football Club shared squads not showing players in FIFA menus, relisting Transfer List items not retaining previous price settings, error message when attempting to apply a contract consumable and the annoying issue that the controller disconnects in FUT modes.
On the other hand, according to EA Sports, they intend to "have news on the timing of a similar update for Xbox One at a later date."
According to Design and Trend, EA Sports announced last month a more concentrated effort on banning coin-sellers, the people who illegitimately trade the virtual currency used in "FIFA's" Ultimate Team Mode. According to an EA Sports blog post, EA has stated "We continue to target coin sellers and farmers aggressively in FIFA 16. These bans have a positive impact on FUT health."
Moreover, according to EA blog post, anyone caught selling or farming coins, will be banned permanently from "FIFA" online and all EA games. The same goes with endorsing the selling of coins. In both cases, your own coins will be deleted as well.