'Hitman' Updates: Release Date and Two Purchase Options for Game Fans

Square Enix and IO Interactive revealed some big news about the upcoming open world assassination game "Hitman" during a press event at Copenhagen, Denmark.

According to Design and Trend, the two players behind the said video game have revealed details including the game's release date and other ways for fans to obtain a copy of this game "Hitman."

IO Interactive studio head Hannes Seifert said the studio was keen to fan feedback which inspired the IO Interactive team to be more transparent about "Hitman's" development and release schedule. Speaking to the press Seifert said, "We've had a lot of feedback since we announced HITMAN that has helped us shape these next steps. It's important that we listen to fans and that we're open with what we're doing. So today we're sharing details on our release plan and we're announcing something the community has asked for: a new price to enter the game at launch."

Initially according to Game Spot, "Hitman" will officially launch on March 11, 2016, with two different purchase options for its interested buyers. First is the standard $59.99 purchase for the base game that includes three open world locations, Paris, Sapienza and Marrakesh, six campaign missions, the asynchronous Contracts mode, guaranteed access to an upcoming closed PS4 and PC beta for the game and future access to all post-launch content and live community events.

For those who don't want the full package, there will be a $34.99 Intro Pack that only includes the entire base game from locations, events, campaign missions to contracts mode. What will not be included is the post-release content. There will be an upgrade option for a one-time $29.99 purchase.

Do you think the standard purchase for the game "Hitman" is the best purchase option that will give its "Hitman" fans value for money?

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