Samsung to Open “Experience Stores” in 1400 Best Buy Stores

The cut-throat competition between consumer electronics giants Samsung and Apple Inc just went a notch higher. Samsung is all set to open retail boutique stores called "Experience Stores" in 1400 Best Buy Stores all across the U.S..

Apple has more than 395 retail stores all around the world, Samsung will have 1400 stores just in the U.S. itself. Apparently, 500 stores will begin operating by May 1 in major Best Buy stores and 1000 more will debut in the smaller ones by June 1.

Samsung currently sells its products via different retailers like Walmart, Costco and other electronics specialty stores. Opening its own independent shop where it could demonstrate, illustrate and service its own products would give the company an edge over its competitors. Samsung produces a larger variety of products ranging from a Smartphone to washing machines. Displaying a slew of its goods under one roof would definitely boost the company's sales.

Moreover, the location of the stores gives it an added advantage. Doug Ehrman, an industry expert at Motley Fool wrote:

"Given the location of these mini-stores, consumers on their way to make an iPhone, iPad, or MacBook purchase will necessarily pass by the new retail locations, giving the dedicated Samsung sales force the opportunity to steal sales."

Apparently, Samsung hopes to boost its sales and improve brand recognition among the customers of U.S. The new deal will not only benefit the company but will also give Best Buy a boost over competitors like and Walmart, reports

"For Best Buy, the move could help further establish the retailer as a player in the mobile segment and reverse trends that have seen Best Buy struggling as consumers increasingly opt for Internet-based shopping," Kevin Bostic at AppleInsider wrote in a blog.

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