'Dark Souls 3' Gameplay News: Leaked Video Suggests Buffs on Attack that Makes Game a Little Difficult

"Dark Souls 3" was quite the main focus during the EB Games Expo held in Australia last weekend. Lucky for fans, the footage of the demo has leaked and it may be similar to what was featured at the Tokyo Game Show last September but the leaked footage has shown some newer systems.

According to Design and Trend, the footage was discovered via Stoitify on YouTube but the uploader reportedly was not a huge "Dark Souls" fan. Thankfully, the details of the said leaked video was broken down in a discussion on on the franchise's official Reddit community.

According to Design and Trend, small segments of the gameplay shown in the footage was intended for the public to catch a glimpse of "Dark Souls 3's" new combat systems. It was also shows that mana will be important as other players will be utilizing magic. The footage has shown that the mana bar can be recharged thus the mechanics appear to be more balanced.

Moreover, a curious deviation happens when the player uses the Gold Pine Resin item, which is used to add some lightning damage to otherwise unbuffed weapons. Unlike the previous Dark Souls versions, the demo shows that the damage increase is removed as soon as the player is hit even once.

Some are hopeful that the said deviation would just be a bug in "Dark Souls 3". It is assumed that there could be limitations on attack buffs, making the attack more difficult to use. According to those who were able to get a hands on experience on the upcoming game, "Dark Souls 3" may be may be "the studio's hardest game yet."

Lastly, "Dark Souls 3" has previously been thought as a mix between its ealier versions and from Software's other game titled "Bloodborne." The release is expected to happen in April of 2016 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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