'McDonald's' Hong Kong: Homeless Woman Found Dead Next to Eating Customers

It is not a new scene in Hong Kong McDonald's branches that a homeless person comes in and even stays for the night. A homeless woman passed away unnoticed at one of the outlets of McDonald's in Hong Kong, and it was only after 24 hours has passed since her entrance to the restaurant that people realized it. The incident brought up the McRefugees topic into the limelight.

The woman, who was said to be around 50 to 60 years old, was found dead after more than 24 hours since she entered the restaurant on Saturday morning at McDonald's outlet in Pink Shek Estate in Kowloon. She was wearing a gray long-sleeved jacket and slippers.

People presumed she was asleep as this is not an unusual scene in the place. The CCTV footage revealed that she hasn't moved for more than seven hours, and people sat and ate next to her during those periods of time.

Netizens have expressed their thoughts of sympathy, grief, and anger regarding the incident on social media.

The McRefugees

McRefugees, as they are called in the region, spend the night at any 24-hour restaurant such as McDonald's after the report noted last year that staffs are not allowed to throw people out of the 235 outlets of the giant fastfood chain.

They are not unique to Hong Kong, but around Asia. The term, McRefugees, was coined when a Japanese report stated that high rents have been pushing people to spend the night at 24-hour restaurants. According to Hong Kong Poverty Situation Report for 2013, almost 20% of the region's population is living below the poverty line.

A welfare group in Tianjin has also been in communication with McDonald's outlets in the area to provide shelter to the homeless. In August, the company pledged to provide shelter and free coffee and tea to the homeless people that visit their outlet.

Should the government make a necessary move to keep rent low so that most people can live in a safe shelter? What are your thoughts on this issue?

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