'Faking It' Season 2 Spoilers: Karma Realizes She Has Feelings For Amy; Will She Admit To Being Bisexual?

The upcoming episode of "Faking It" Season 2 could possibly feature Karma (Katie Stevens) realizing that she could have feelings for Amy (Rita Volk).

In season 1, Amy confessed her feelings to her best friend Karma, but it didn't get reciprocated. Karma said that she's straight and only likes Amy as her platonic soul mate.

However, in the teaser released after Monday night's episode, Karma and Amy could be seen sharing a kiss together. By the looks of it, Karma felt something in that moment.

Another scene from the teaser featured some of Amy and Karma's friends talking about bisexuality. The camera focuses on Karma's confused face, who seems to be contemplating on whether or not she's bisexual.

Meanwhile, the upcoming episode of "Faking It" Season 2 will focus on Amy and Karma's high school prom.

In "Concern," Lauren (Bailey De Young) will tell the entire student body that they are required to bring a date to the prom. Karma, who recently ended her relationship, wasn't able to find a date, so she will ask Amy to go with her.

Since Amy still has feelings for her, she will oblige. However, she will also ask Felix (Parker Mack) to go to the prom and be her date because she's worried that going with Karma could just make her fall in love with her even more, according to Cartermatt.

In the recent episode of "Faking It," Karma and Amy had to fake their feelings for one another after the former's mom told her friends that her daughter is a lesbian. However, Karma's mom later on came clean to her friends, but this has ignited all sorts of feelings for the two lead characters.

"Faking It" Season 2 will airs its 17th episode on Monday night at 9:30 p.m. ET on MTV.

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