New researchers had revealed that having sex even outside the female's ovulation period can still raise the chance of conception.
According to, researchers from Indiana University found that during intercourse, a woman's body undergo physiological changes that make her more fertile for her to conceive easily.
Study author Tierney Lorenz said "It's a common recommendation that partners trying to have a baby should engage in regular intercourse to increase the woman's chances of getting pregnant- even during so-called 'non-fertile' periods- although it's unclear how this works. This research is the first to show that the sexual activity may cause the body to promote types of immunity that support conception. It's a new answer to an old riddle: How does sex that doesn't happen during the fertile window still improve fertility?"
Their new study is the first report to show how sex itself affects a woman's ability to conceive a child as well as its effects on a person's immune system.
In a report by, the increased chances of pregnancy even on "off- days" is contributed by her immune system. The new study revealed that a person's immune system is responding to sexual activities. Dr. Lorenz said "The sexually active women's immune system was preparing in advance to the mere possibility of pregnancy."
The new study also found that a woman's immune system and her reproductive system is helping the woman to get through a "tricky dilemma." A person's immune system is present to prevent any foreign and harmful organisms to infect the body. If the same principle will be applied when it comes to conceiving (i.e. sperms cells from male trying to "invade" a woman's egg cell), the immune system will simply kill off all the sperm cells and conceiving a child will be impossible. However, when a person is sexually active (e.g. trying to have a baby), an exchange between her reproductive and immune system is taking place making it possible to conceive a child. When a woman is sexually active and nearing her fertility period, antibodies make a parallel changes making it possible for sperm cells to live longer and have a chance to fertilize an egg.
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