iPhone 6s Plus and 6s in 3D Touch; 5 In-Demand Apps are Enabled

With the coming of iPhone 6s and the phablet sized iPhone 6s Plus with 3D touch, the weight of pressure that is being applied to the screen is something to be considered. Which means that apps must be altered in order to make a better use of technology. The following list enumerates the best apps.

On Instagram

Starting from the phone's home screen, the users will be able to lightly press on the icon of Instagram to gain access to a menu called Quick Actions. Then they will be given some choices to make new posts with photo, send messages along with a photo, look for a certain item and check the existing activity.

On Twitter

When the users choose to use the softer "peek" or press directly from its home screen, Twitter is going to let them have an instant search for a certain tweet from their feed, send a message directly or post a new tweet.

The Email

This "peek" gesture is similar to a lightly press on the screen that actually allows the users to view a specific email when they are accessing their email app. They may also stop pressing their screen if they are not going to reply to an email, and a preview window will then close. But they may only press harder in order to allow this "pop" action and the whole email shall open, and the users may begin with their reply.

The Apple Maps

With the help of "pop" and "peek," users may now look at an address with no need to leave an app. For instance, if they get a link through SMS, they may lightly press it just to increase its pressure to move into a map completely or view the address using the Apple Maps.

The Workflow

In this Workflow app, a workflow which has been made by the users will appear when an icon on their smartphone's home screen is pressed. Once these workflows show up, the users may also use the "pop" action or "peek" to either dive to a specific option or look briefly at a workflow.

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