'Jackass' Steve-O Sentenced to 30 Days in Prison for SeaWorld Protest

"Jackass" star Steve-O made the headlines as he was sentenced to 30 days in prison. This follows his plea "no contest to trespassing and illegal use of fireworks." As per The Associated press, the 41-year-old Stephen Glover who is known as a Jackass star "Steve O" landed in jail after climbing a 100 feet crane in Hollywood for a protest against Sea World which alerted the emergency respondents.

His protest goal is to climb up the construction site located at Sunset Boulevard, upon reaching the top, he would then light the fireworks and inflate a printer killer whale balloon stating "Sea World Sucks."

Steve-O's protest act alerted the emergency respondents who were not quite sure if he needs to be rescued. His act resulted him to be charged with "creating a false emergency, vandalism and several fireworks violations" as per the website.

Aside from his 30-day jail time, he will also be in probation for 3 years and was fined $14,000 as a reimbursement for police and fire response. His probation stated that he should stay away from the area on which the incident happened. He is also prohibited from using fireworks and is not allowed to perform any stunts that would draw the attention of police and fire departments.

Glover however stated that his arrest made sense saying: "if your goal is to make a statement about captivity, you may as well get yourself locked up!" He then added, "I must say I'm ready to go to jail - not just because it will bring so much attention to the plight of orcas in captivity, but because it's nice to let people know I haven't lost my edge, What can I say? I'm a jackass."

As per The Rolling Stone, Steve-O already posted a photo on Instagram hinting on what's going to happen. "This is Shammy. We're gonna do a big dangerous stunt tomorrow in Los Angeles that will probably get me in a lot of trouble."

His protest was inspired by a 2013 documentary "Blackfish" which showcased the maltreatment of the theme park against killer the killer whales.

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