Ashley Benson caused a major toil by wearing a "Cecil The Lion" costume which she posted in the social media last Oct. 7. The "Pretty Little Liars" actress was bashed by her fans on social media and received an unfavorable response by her choice of Halloween costume. The actress now responded with the issue and told her apologies for the post.
According to Hollywood Life, the 25-year-old PLL actress asked her fans' opinion for her choice of Halloween costume. The costume she wore is a golden-brown fur lined coat with a gold shimmery jumpsuit. Benson mentioned "Cecil the Lion" costume that made her followers react fumingly.
"Help! Can't decide on my Halloween costume this year! What do you guys think of this Cecil The Lion costume? @yandy #thanksyandy #halloweencostume," captioned by Benson on her Instagram account.
With the response she's gotten from fuming fans, the caption of "Cecil The Lion" was then changed to just "lion" afterwards.
The "Spring Breakers" actress then told her say regarding the incident and explained that it was of an innocent favor and accident. The 25-year-old actress even said that she did not intend anything of the incident and promised proceeds of her deal will support the World Wildlife Fund according to Hollywood Life.
"Yesterday's post was in poor taste and I absolutely regret all of the hurt that photo caused. The caption that was posted was incorrect and my costume was not Cecil the Lion, when I saw that, I contacted my management who handled the post and had it immediately changed. I recognize that I am responsible for everything posted on my social accounts and this was an unfortunate oversight. I am a supporter of Animal conservation and I will be donating all the proceeds of this deal to the World Wildlife Fund. I love you all and I apologize if I let you down" Benson posted the apology in her Instagram account.
The "Pretty Little Liars" actress may mean not to invoke anything with this. Let's be thankful that she indeed has a good response and would even donate the proceeds to help the animal organization.