‘Minecraft’ Update: Game’s New 1.9 Build Features Outline Boat Tweaks, Flying, New Creatures And More

Game developer Mojang has recently published "Minecraft's" two new snapshots this week. It was said that these snapshots were actually a preview of the soon-to-be-released "Minecraft" Update 1.9.

The two snapshots have been revealed a day after "Minecraft" developer Jens Bergensten teased avid fans via Twitter on what's coming to the game, a report from iDigital Times said on Friday.

A Reddit page has revealed the game's patch notes for snapshot 15w41a:

"Jeb's secret feature: Wings for gliding

  • Animation/Animation
  • Wings fold while not gliding - Screenshot
  • Cape not displayed while wearing
  • "Styled as the cape", dragon wings default (?) texture
  • Not craftable, only findable
  • Placed in the chestplate slot

Boat improvements

  • MCPE-like boats
  • Changed how player movement is sent and processed by the server

Fixed some bugs

  • Fixed regenerating health while not at a high hunger level
  • Fixed high resolution texture pack loading being broken
  • Fixed end world generating breaking at large coordinates
  • Fixed getting kicked from the server with the console spamming "Netty Epoll Server IO #6/ERROR"
  • Fixed multiplayer not working
  • Fixed hoppers not sucking up items inside themselves
  • Fixed player disconnects with "Netty Epoll Server IO #26/ERROR" when doing large /clone operations
  • Fixed tamed cats resetting chunks"

"Minecraft" snapshot 15w41b patch note sourced from another Reddit page:

Fixed some bugs

  • Fixed a crash on world load

"Patch notes for Minecraft snapshot 15w41a outline a series of changes to boats, that should make them function more like the boats in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, including changes to how boat movement is processed by Minecraft servers. Minecraft snapshot 15w41a also removes the game's 'riding' tag, replacing it with a 'passenger' designation, to pave the way for a system that lets multiple passengers ride a single entity. A second build, Minecraft snapshot 15w41b, debuted shortly after its predecessor to address a bug that caused the game to crash when loading worlds," the report said.

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