‘Heroes of the Storm’ Gameplay: New Patch Adds New Character, Quizzes You After Games

Avid fans of "Heroes of the Storm" will now be able to play a new character and play quizzes after the game. It was said that the game will be receiving a new update this week and will introduce another playable character which is "StarCraft's" Medic, popularly known as Lt. Morales, a report from Gamespot said on Friday.

The game's new character Morales, a medic unit from "StarCraft," was described as the healing-centric support character. Morales is capable of transporting an entire team using her dropship. Fans have tagged her as "an excellent single-target healer."

Below are the heroics, traits and abilities of the Lt. Morales, according to US Battle.Net

"Basic Abilities

  • Healing Beam (Q): Heal a single ally every half second for as long as they remain near you. Pressing Q allows you to reselect your target, or you can cancel the channeling by activating your trait. There is no cooldown on this ability.
  • Safeguard (W): Reduce the damage the targeted ally takes for three seconds.
  • Displacement Grenade (E): Throw out a grenade that explodes as soon as it comes into contact with an enemy, dealing damage and knocking nearby enemies back.


  • Medivac Dropship (R): Select a spot to travel to, causing you to enter a dropship. Teammates can then join you, and after four seconds, you'll travel to the chosen area.
  • Stim Drone (R): Select an ally to receive a 75 percent increase in attack speed and 25 percent additional movement speed for ten seconds.


  • Caduceus Reactor: After going four seconds without taking damage, regenerate 3 percent of your max health every second."

Gamespot reports that the update will impose some changes in the map of the game. For instance, it was said that Sky Temple would no longer allow players to activate three temples at the same time. Blizzard said that this "didn't leave the defending team with many options."

"Infernal Shrines' Punishers are now more predictable and less punishing; they now always jump to the nearest target within range (as opposed to a random target within range) and have less health. Garden of Terror's Garden Terrors can now disable the enemy Core with their Overgrowth ability so as to discourage them from being used defensively. And Battlefield of Eternity's Immortals now scale higher in the late game, helping to ensure games don't take as long as they sometimes did in the past," the report added.

Players can read the game's full patch notes here.

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