The website of a real estate company, if designed to become responsive, will improve the business, claims Placester content creator, Matthew Bushery. According to the Chief Executive Officer of ListingBook, Randall Kaplan, who posted an article on RIS Media, the top five real estate websites can attract 100 million visitors every month. This, he further relates, is an amazing number since only about five million houses are sold in a given year.
Only about five percent of the total number of visitors are actually ready and willing to buy, while the remaining 95 percent will not be buying anytime soon. To be able to benefit from an online marketing strategy, it is then empirical that real estate agents realize that the traffic caused in these real estate websites are brought along by three types of visitors, which Kaplan identifies as the 'Lookers,' the 'Loafers,' and the 'Loyalists.'
1. Lookers - They make up majority of the monthly traffic on these real estate websites. They are those who just look at the site but have no intention of buying--much like window shopping. Some are doing research to find out what a neighbor's house sold for, what the prevailing price is, or what the "guesstimator's" pricing of the house is.
2. Loafers - They are actually, as Kaplan describes, "the great time waters of real estate agents." They may be buyers who love browsing and searching for houses on the internet. They also show up in real estate offices with a list of houses with them and where they expect the agents to show them around. They are also sellers who keep tabs on real estate prices and always "think" about selling.
3. Loyalists - These are among the hundreds of millions of viewers who look at homes offered on the big portals every month. Kaplan calls them "the Loyalists of real estate web traffic." They are the ones who are set to buy and are eager to buy this year (and not the following year). The loyalists are the best kind of leads because they immediately become clients.