Model’s One Butt Cheek Missing; Victoria’s Secret Criticized For Failed Photoshop

Victoria's Secret is facing a backlash after posting a photo of one of its models with one butt cheek missing because of a failed Photoshop work.

The ad posted on Victoria's Secret's Facebook and Twitter pages is a promotion of Victoria's new mesh-back cheeky panty line. Its caption says, "Truly. Madly. Cheeky." It directs reader's eyes to the cheeks, of course, and so many are quick to notice that there's something not right about the model's asset that's supposedly promoting the new panty product.

Truly. Madly. Cheeky.

Posted by Victoria's Secret on Friday, September 25, 2015

Negative comments came flooding on Facebook and Twitter. One Facebook comment reads, "Phototshop fail. Half cheeky.. not cheeky!" Another comment says, "Truly. Madly. Chee...wait, where them left cheek go?! #PhotoshopFail" On Twitter, one posted a corrected photo next to Victoria's Secret "orginal" and said, "Hey @VictoriasSecret What happened? Oops... Truly. Madly. Cheeky. :) #photoshopfail #EffYourBeautyStandards."

As reported by E! News, this is not the first time Victoria's Secret has faced a backlash for photoshopping its models. Aol wrote, "They've been bashed for giving models digital boob jobs, taking away their arms, and parts of their legs." Perhaps they can learn from American Eagle whose sales picked up after promising they will stop editing photos of their lingerie models?

Victoria's Secret has been quiet about the uproar, aside from a response to one commenter, saying, "We appreciate that you have taken the time to provide your feedback. We have shared this valuable information with the correct team for review."

Could it be because Victoria's Secret is trolling Facebook and Twitter users and it was an intentional Photoshop failed job to get people talk about its new product? After all, bad publicity is still publicity. Although it could be pushing away some buyers, as one Facebook comment said, "Horrible horrible photoshopping. Completely unnecessary, Victoria's Secret. Wishing you would learn from Aerie. Yes another reason I (along with MANY others) will never shop from you guys...Times are changing; it's time you guys caught up. #NotBuyingIt."

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