"The Vampire Diaries" Season 7 premiered on Oct. 8 and everyone's been excited for it, including lead star, Ian Somerhalder. Ian has been promoting the show's latest season and it seems like he is openly comfortable talking about his past with ex-girlfriend Nina Dobrev and his love for her character as Elena.
According to Celebrity Dirty Laundry, Ian talked about "Delena" which promoted for TVD fans to invoke past memories with his ex-girlfriend Nina. And that sends a message to their fans that "Elena will always have a special part in his heart." Could this mean that Nina also holds the same spot in real life?
Just before "The Vampire Diaries" Season 7 "Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take," aired Ian teased fans on what to the expect for this new season. He talked about Damon Salvatore and Bonnie's (Kat Graham) relationship. In his interview with TV Fanatic, he revealed that Damon and Bonnie will remain good friends and that's all there is for now since he only loves Bonnie as a friend. It will be hard on Damon's part because he will always be reminded of Elena through Bonnie.
According to Inquisitr, Ian shared on his interview with TV Fanatics that, "Every time he looks at Bonnie, he only sees not Elena. He does love her and it is an unfortunate situation that they find themselves in because it's that thing of every time he looks at her, 'Oh, if I just push her down the building I'd get Elena back..."
During Ian's exclusive interview with E! News, he gave a message to "The Vampire Diaries" diehard fans that are having a hard time coping with not seeing Elena in Season 7. He got this to say, "they were great characters separate, they were great characters together, and they remain great characters separated."
He also added, "Damon is still here and he's still evolving and he's still having a blast and he's still saying super-smarmy, ridiculously overly confident, very wildly embarrassing and degrading things and he will continue to do that, but with a little love for Elena in his heart."
Not seeing "Delena" together is another milestone for TVD journey. Somerhalder thinks that Damon without Elena is part of the "evolution of the show." Ian said, "Obviously she is in his heart and he is going to have a very tough time understanding how to go on, but that's what drama's for."