'Pan Flops in its First Week; 'The Martian' Still on Top

Movie-goers are not enticed to take the ride with Pan to Neverland, they'd rather head to Mars and take a staycation at a villain-only hotel.

Costing at a huge budget of about $250 million in production and marketing, 'Pan' only raked in about $15.5 million in North America and $25 million overseas. In order to make profit, it may need to make at least $400 million worldwide in sales.

Despite the fact that 'Pan' was all over Hollywood, it only managed to garner 3rd spot after The Martian, which topped for two weeks already and Hotel Transylvania 2 in the Top Ten Boxoffice Films as the weekend closed.

Globally, the Matt Damon film about a stranded astronaut has earned $227.7 million globally, which has made it profitable on the $108 million production budget.

The collapse of Pan is a major pressure on the vulnerability of Warner Inc. which has been going on for two years already. Prior to the flopped movies, Warner was seen as the platinum of the movie industry that has released only box office-worthy films.

Moreover, it has also been a tough week for Sony Pictures Entertainment when it decided to release The Walk in Imax only that attracts more of the younger movie goers whereas the film is aimed at more older sophisticated viewers.

Warner, in addition, tried its best to market Pan as the "movie that came from the studio that brought Harry Potter" and placed an emphasis on Hugh Jackman, being almost unrecognizable as Captain Hook. Moreover, the Joe Write who is an awards success is directing the flick.

With all those said, expectations rose and the movie wasn't able to handle the reviews that came out as the movie opened a week earlier in Australia.

However, Pan may still be able to make a good turnout in the second week as movie goers who have watched the movie recently seemed to like it, after all.

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