‘Girl Meets World’ Season 2 Episode 20 Spoilers: Lucas Confronts His Feelings Between Riley and Maya

While "Girl Meets World" season 2 episode 19 opened us to a positive message to never give up on making our dreams true. This week's episode "Girl Meets Texas" is another three-day special of the Disney series and Cartermatt spoils that GWM season 2 episode 20 will feature who Lucas' feelings are really for: if it is for Maya or Riley.

Lucaya fans will be thrilled on the episode and also for the fans who wants Riley and Lucas back together but all the more it will be based on who Lucas really wants. Aside from this, the first part according to the article says that Riley and Maya with Farkle, Lucas and Zay are going for a trip to Texas. Lucas tries his hands on riding a bull and based from the promo video, Lucas fell off the bull and Riley goes to him for rescue.

"Girl Meets World" part two of the special will focus on Lucas and his reveal of who he is having feelings for and it seems that Lucaya fans will be thrilled. It seems that Lucas has his eyes on Maya and there might be a confrontation that will happen between the two. "Girl Meets World" promo video also takes us glimpses on the group dancing in cowboy theme, eating lots of barbecue, and performance of guest stars Maddie and Tae.

Last week's episode, Riley tried to make it to the cheerleading team of John Quincy Adams and her friends Maya, Lucas, Farkle, and Zay supported her. The audition to be a part of the team requires not just guts and determination but also the skills to know how to do the difficult stunts required in the dance routine in cheerleading. Unluckily, Riley doesn't have any of those skills. Determined Riley was given a bell by Coach Kelly to ring anytime she wants to leave the squad but then Riley has her heart set to become a part of the team.

"Girl Meets Rah Rah" also featured a special appearance of Perez Hilton who delivered the meaningful message, "Dream your dreams little one because this is a world where nothing is impossible."

Watch "Girl Meets World" season 2 episode 20 on Thurs. on Disney Channel.

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