'Scandal' Season 5 Spoilers: What Will Cyrus Beene Do To Take Down Olivia Pope, President Fitzgerald Grant?

The previous episode of "Scandal" Season 5 saw the return of Cyrus Beene (Jeff Perry) to the White House. After he was dismissed by the president of the United States last season, Cyrus made sure to come back to the oval office with a bang. Luckily for him, Mellie Grant (Bellamy Young) reached out to him first.

After discussing their plans on how to take down Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington), Cyrus was insulted when Mellie called him "soft." Since he has a different agenda on his own, Cyrus knew that Mellie will only be a good ally for him at the moment.

In the past, Cyrus has been very vocal about wanting to take down President Fitzgerald Grant (Tony Goldwyn) as well, and it seems that there's no stopping him this around. Thursday night's episode will see Cyrus Beene and Mellie making their team-up official.

Meanwhile, according to Inquisitr, a new Gladiator will be introduced in the upcoming episode of "Scandal" Season 5. The publication noted that former guest star Cornelius Smith Jr., who played the role of Marcus in Season 4, will return to the series to reprise his role. Even though details about his character have been kept under wraps, fans believe that Marcus will be helpful in taking down new enemies on the show.

In the upcoming episode titled "Dog-Whistle Politics," Huck (Guillermo Diaz) and Quinn (Katie Lowes) will find ways on how to put an end to the media's malicious reporting of Olivia and President Fitz's affair. Fans are now speculating that Huck and Quinn will seek the help of Marcus.

During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Smith Jr. also talked about his character and said that Marcus is someone who will never stop fighting for justice.

"Whether it's going to be for the Gladiators or against the Gladiators, we don't know. He has his own set of morals, guidelines and principles..." he said.

"Scandal" Season 5 airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.

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