10 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In the World

Are you heading to travel out to a place you've never been before?

Try out these abandoned destinations shared by House Beautiful that will surely send you on a mile-high experience as these places have their secret beauty hidden that many won't ever experience.

1. Craco, Italy

Even in pictures, Craco town in Italy has such a magnificent beauty in store. The ghost town has been in existence since 540 but then due to calamities that struck the town, people abandoned the place in the 20th century.

This town though abandoned has been a favorite destination of tourists and this was even used for shooting locations in major films such as "The Passion of The Christ" and "Quantum of Solace."

2. Saint Nicholas Church

The old church has served as a scenic view in the middle of the lake. The abandoned church dated back in the 1850s. Due to the plantation project of the artificial lake, the church semi-submerged in the lake.

3. Gougi Island, China

It is a seeming beauty once seen; the houses in this ghost town has been overturned by nature's greenery. This island which is one of the islands of Shengshi has served to be a fishing village before. Though the village have been plotted by vines, reportedly there are still some fishermen going through the area to fish.

4. Miranda Castle

This picturesque castle seems to come out in fairy place. The castle known as "Noisy" castle was built in 1866 in Belgium. The castle has served to be home of an opulent Aristocrat but then was taken over to the Belgian Railway Company to become a house for orphaned children. The castle was abandoned since 1991 due to expensive maintenance. It has been a favorite of tourists and even ghost hunters.

5. Ross Island

In the past, for 80 years, Ross Island is said to house the Indian Penal Settlement and the island is complete with stores, bakeries, bazaars, and even a hospital. Currently, the site is just a thick jungle where wild ficus grows.

6. Six Flags in New Orleans

An abandoned theme park in New Orleans has been closed in 2004 even before the calamity of Hurricane Katrina. The park which is a favorite by urban explorers is still in ruins and some of the debris can still be seen all over the park.

7. Hirta, Scotland

The greenery and the lush scenic view will invite you on this island. It was inhabited before by locals until 1930s and was abandoned due to the inability for the residents to access food and also because of the poor weather.

Currently, the island boasts some stone remains of the old villages and even the churches that was built before.

8. Dome Homes, Florida

The abandoned beach house is just located off coast in Marco Island. The odd-looking structure was said to be destroyed by hurricanes in the past.

9. Kilchurn Castle

The abandoned castle was built in the mid-1400s. It was said that this old but grandeur castle was a home by some of the country's most powerful people before, Campbells of Glenorchy. The castle stands four storeys and was abandoned in 1700.

10. Kolmanskop, Namibia

The town which is located in the desert since 1908 was abandoned in 1954 when it was said that the inhabitants have no resources to live by anymore. The tattered structures of the ghost town are now semi-filled by desert sand.

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