White House Design Update: What would a Donald Trump White House Look Like?

If Donald Trump wins his way into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, let's hope he and Melania will not overspend for the interior designs they're going to stamp. Let's see a brief history of the presidential redecorations of the White House.

At the time of the presidency of Kennedy, Jackie added antique wallpaper with Revolutionary War scenes in the private dining room.

The overspending of Mary Todd Lincoln became famous when she overspent $20,000 for a budget of only $6,700 at that time. Today, the budget for redecorating, as appropriated by Congress, is only $100,000. Just ten chandeliers of Trump would practically use half of the budget. As Trump is a real estate magnate, presumably he can figure it out.

According to Realtor, a story in 2008 about Obama's move to the White House revealed, "The Kennedy White House was too French; the Clintons' too Arkansas. In recent history, only the Wasphy Bushes (both 41 and 43) have escaped decorating derision." (Michelle Obama's modernist redo of the Old Family Dining Room had both admirers and haters.)

Every tick of the clock brings our country closer to the 2016 Presidential elections, and there's a clear possibility that Donald Trump will be on the ballot. Everyone must admit that Trump does have a signature style. It's bold and, if he happens to make it all the way to the White House, he will surely make a few changes to feel more at home. Here are some of what most people predict.

Apartment Therapy said taxpayers will be lucky that the décor itself won't need too much sprucing up. Baroque furnishings of the White House have already passed the Trump test.

Gone are the days of made-to-order meals. The White House will now work overtime for everyone to enjoy a 24-hour all-you-can-eat buffet boasting the best shrimp cocktail in D.C.

Lincoln bedroom is far too plain for Trump's taste, so he will add full treatment with his collection of furniture and a Trump brand Serta mattress.

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