Genetically- Altered Pig Organs May be Used for Human Transplant

Scientists are now studying the possibility of using genetically- altered pig organs for human transplant which can greatly benefit those who needs and will be needing it.

According to, researchers have used a "gene editing technique" known as CRISPR-Cas9 to remove harmful virus or genes present in pig organs for it to be used for human transplant. The report about this progress is published in a journal called "Science." The report says that CRISPR-Cas9 "works as a type of molecular scissors that can selectively trim away unwanted parts of the genome."

There were previous attempts of altering a pig's genome but the most successful operation was when scientists were only able to remove six areas in the genome. However, Dr. George Church, a geneticist from Harvard Medical School, led a new study using CRISPR-Cas9 and his team was able to cut "62 specific locations in the pig genome" simultaneously.

Church's team had showed that editing a pig's genome drastically is possible but it hasn't showed any indication that the genetically- altered parts are safe to use for humans. Despite of this result, Dr. Church is still optimistic that through CRISPR-Cas9, they will be able to successfully alter the pig's genome for it to be safe for humans to use.

In a report by, Dr. David Church said that "Basically, this whole field has been in the doldrums for 15 years. There's been kind of a few true believers that had it on life support. But I think this changes the game completely."

Church also said that after altering more than 20 pig's genome, it caused human cells to develop an immune response. For the pig's organ to be viable for human transplant, Church said that "both sets of modifications would need to be made."

Church added "It was kind of cool from two stand points. One is it set a record for Crispr or for any genetic modification of an animal, and it took away what was considered the most perplexing problem to be solved in the xenotransplantation field. With immune tolerance, that completely changes the landscape as well. These two things, immune tolerance and now getting rid of all the retroviruses, means we have a clear path."

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