‘One Piece’ Chapter 804 Spoilers: Blackbeard Blackmails the Captain of the Revolutionary Army; Dragon Gets Rip-off and Flying Man Revealed

"One Piece" Chapter 804 is slated for release on Oct. 23, but spoilers keep coming everyday and predictions from fans are non-stop from different discussion boards. While majority of the participants are focusing on Blackbeard pirates and Revolutionary Army, another angle has been pointed out concerning the Flying man and his identity and mission.

There is a big possibility that war between Blackbeard pirates and Revolutionary Army may happen. In chapter 803 of "One Piece," it is obvious that Captain Monkey D. Dragon has a plan. It is also very likely of Marshall D. Teach to have a treacherous plan against Dragon and his crew.

Youth Health Mag says that the war that would happen in "One Piece" chapter 804 between Teach and Dragon might not be easy for the Blackbeard pirates because it would be hard for them to overtake the Revolutionary Pirate. However, nobody would win between the two of them. It has been predicted that both side would be put in the losing end.

There is also a possibility that Teach would play dirty against Dragon in chapter 804 of "One Piece" manga. Blackbeard will use a "blackmail card" in order to make the Revolutionary Army stand-down.

A fan also thinks that the call for war might be a distraction so that Teach could rip-off Dragon and get the powerful weapons. Teach is dying to have those massive artillery so that he could get advantage over the Yonko's.

There are other possible spoilers of "One Piece" chapter 804 that have been discussed by avid readers of the manga series. One of which is the falling object. According to fans in Oro Jackson, the falling object is not a poop of the giant elephant, but he is one of the team members of Kinemon. His named is Raizou. Kpopstarz adds the participant of the discussion board named Le-Sanna thinks that Raizou would reveal to the Straw Hat pirates that he is on a mission to find "a specific ingredient for the medicine" that would cure the ailing shogun.

However, another fan says in "One Piece" chapter 804 that the flying person is one of the members of the Minkmen tribe, and Luffy would be able to save him. On the other hand, the Minkmen have captured Law's crew, but they would be saved by the Minkman that Luffy has saved earlier.

"One Piece" chapter 804 spoilers and predictions have gone further from Blackbeard pirates and Revolutionary Army to Raizou. Fans have to wait on October 23 to see whether their prediction of the war or the flying person is correct.

How about you? Do you have something to add in the "One Piece" chapter 804 spoilers and predictions? Comment below.

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