How to Fix the Unusual Battery Drain on Your Nexus After Updating to Android 6.0 Marshmallow

Google has already started to slowly roll out Android 6.0 Marshmallow update to the Nexus phones. Those who have already installed the update claim that along with the new features and enhancements they have observed unusual battery drain.

According to GottaBeMobile, abnormal battery drain is a common software problem usually experienced by Nexus users following an android update. The good news is that there are ways to fix it and they work for Google's Nexus 6, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 (2013), and Nexus 9. So there is no need to suffer short battery lifespan until the next bug fix that comes with the next update.

First is to find unnecessary apps and services that drain your battery and disable them. Check the battery usage information in the android settings to see a breakdown of how much battery is used up by running apps and services. If you don't need them simply uninstall or disable the app or service so you could spare your battery the unnecessary work.

GPS, Mobile Data, Wi-Fi and Google maps are some of the services and utilities that greatly eat up the power of your mobile. Unless necessary, according to IBT, these services may be turned off. Activate them only as needed and you will see how much battery is spared when the phone is on standby.

Moreover, launchers such as Nova can help. It is free and available on Google Play. If you don't like it you can always go back to the google launcher but according to GottaBeMobile the Nova Launcher can fix the unusual batter drain a bit. You may also try restarting your phone and doing this regularly is a good practice which your phone and your battery can benefit from.

Lastly, you can manage your screen to help extend battery life. The brighter your screen the faster it drains your battery. Therefore, you can tone down the brightness maybe midway all the way down. Setting the brightness is very easy with Android's toggle screen the Quick Settings pull down menu. You may also deactivate auto-brightness, according to GottaBeMobile and to do this go to go into Settings > Device> switch off Adaptive Brightness.

These may not be major tweaks but they can help especially when Google has yet to come up with a fix for this issue. It would not hurt to give it a try. Any other tips you would like to share?

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