Marvel Heroes 2016 Gameplay & Characters: New Pop Culture Heroes, Games & Major Updates Announced

On Wednesday, game developer Gazillion has announced upcoming heroes and games for "Marvel Heroes 2016." The new phase will feature new stories and controller support, among others. More features will be unveiled this December, a report from IGN said.

According to Screenrant, fans should expect some major changes in "Marvel Heroes." One major change that avid fans noticed is Gazillion's rebranded collection name, which is "Marvel Heroes 2016." Gazillion claims that one reason they rebranded the game is to bring the titles in line with Marvel's new "All-New, All-Different" comics line.

Below are some of the game's that Gazillion recently announced, as sourced from the aforementioned website.

  • "A 'Secret Invasion' story chapter: After 'Civil War,' in the comics continuity, it was soon discovered that shape-shifting Skrulls had infiltrated the ranks of S.H.I.E.L.D. and The Avengers, as well as the governments of the world. This built an overwhelming sense of paranoia as nobody knew who was a human and who was an alien invader. The story chapter will also include the Super-Skrull Kl'rt, a long-requested addition to the game.
  • Controller Support: Players will finally be able to play with syncd controllers rather than mouse and keyboard.
  • Visual Updates: New, updated looks for the characters
  • Leaderboards: A competitive aspect to the game with tournaments planned for the future.
  • Savage Land Patrol Zone: The Savage Land is a place in Antarctica inhabited my dinosaurs, mutants, and more. Players will be able to explore the zone and punch them.
  • Thanos Raid: Thanos is finally being introduced, ahead of Marvel Cinematic Studios' Phase Three films."

Aside from these games, the game developer also noted that there will be future additions via an update. The company said that new characters will be added to the game as at present there are over 50 heroes in the title.

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