‘Call Of Duty Black Ops 3’ Gameplay: Treyarch Implements Multiplayer Tweaks After Beta Feedback, Adds Blackhat Equipment & Rejack Ability

Game developer Treyarch has announced that it will implement major tweaks in the "Call of Duty Black Ops 3." It can be recalled that the company has recently conducted a closed beta event for the game.

The company is reportedly currently assessing and analyzing the feedback of beta players. With this, the developer says that it will change the game's formal release date, a report from Design & Trend said.

"Players will be happy to hear that both Blackhat equipment and the Rejack ability will be receiving balancing tweaks for the game's final version. Blackhat equipment, which allows users to hack enemy scorestreaks and gadgets, was found to be a bit too powerful during the beta and, as a result, its ease of use will be taken down a few pegs," the report said.

Listed below are some of the gameplay changes and improvements when "Call of Duty Black Ops 3" launches on Nov. 6, according to PlayStation Blog.

  • "Players did not feel sufficiently rewarded for escorting the robot in Safeguard. Players now receive +25 scores for every 3 seconds that they escort the robot toward the enemy base.
  • Players wanted additional details about how they were eliminated. The Kill Cam and Final Kill Cam now show what killed you (including weapons, Scorestreaks, Specialist weapons, equipment, etc.) and what perks the player has equipped.
  • During the beta, any downward or backward player movement could make the grenade toss distances feel awkwardly short. This has been adjusted so that player velocity never negatively impacts grenade trajectory. We also tweaked grenade speed and distances.
  • Rejack sparked its fair share of controversy during the Beta for a number of reasons, most of which were valid. Included in that list: putting players into Rejack did not count as a kill, and players were using Rejack to stack Scorestreaks. Now, putting a player into Rejack counts as a kill. Players receive kill credit immediately in-game, on the scoreboard and Leaderboard, and with persistent stats. Rejack now also resets all Scorestreak progress so that it cannot be used continuously throughout a match to pad progress towards high-level Scorestreaks."

Players can read the complete list of beta feedback changes, improvements and tweaks here. It was said that all the changes will be implemented for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.

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