'Arrow' Season 4 Episode 3 Spoilers, Promo, Casts: New LGBT Character Introduced, Sara Resurrected?

"Arrow" Season 4 Episode 3 will feature how Oliver and John Diggle will put their lives at risk while facing a conflict with each other, as they track Damien Darhk and a H.I.V.E. metahuman, Spoilers Guide reported.

In a promo video, it shows JR Bourne as Jeremy Tell aka Double Down, who uses playing cards as his weapon in a battle with Green Arrow and Felicity Smoak, TV Fanatic reported.

The rest of the episode is devoted to the "Restoration" of Sara Lance. Laurel Lance will talk to Thea to come back to Nanda Parbat and request her father to put Sara Lance into the Lazarus Pit, but Nyssa al Ghul rejected to do it.

Meanwhile, new character Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) was introduced as Mr. Terrific, which is based on the Michael Holt DC comic character, a superhero that doesn't have powers but is considered the smartest. What is intriguing about Mr. Terrific is his sexual orientation.

“We’re very excited about him, and not just because he’s LGBT and we have an opportunity to explore that, but also he’s just a great character and Echo Kellum is phenomenal,” show runner Wendy Mericle told Variety. “He has good scenes with Felicity. He brings a new, fresh dynamic character. Obviously Ray (Brandon Routh) is leaving the show so we wanted a new superhero in that vein… It wasn’t necessarily to come at it from any particular angle in terms of gender or sexual orientation. It was more, its season four and one of the obvious secrets of keeping your show alive is you’ve got to repopulate, and Mr. Terrific was somebody that we discussed with DC and we were excited about. He’s smart and athletic and cool,” said Mericle.

Holt, a gifted employee for Palmer Technologies, is the new partner of Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). He helped the company by developing an algorithm to make sure that all lower-level employees are paid the exact amount of money. But with Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) and Felicity’s absence, the company was in trouble since the algorithm determined those who will be laid off. When Felicity came back, she hired everyone again and said that Holt had a solution to save the company.

"Arrow" Season 4 Episode 3, entitled the "Restoration," will air on Oct. 21.

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