'Arrow’ Episode 2 Season 4 Recap: ‘The Candidate’

"Arrow" season four second episode kicks it up a notch when Oliver takes it upon himself to run for office as mayor as Jessica Danforth dodges a kidnapping attempt by Anarky. It is also revealed that the last three mayors who served office were all killed.

The second part of "Arrow" season four finds Oliver in the position to make a bid as the new mayor of the city. According to Forbes, Queen will have no opponents for the post but the possibility of a surprise challenger cannot be discounted.

Meanwhile, Laurel decides to exhume her dead sister Sara. It can be remembered that she got mad at Diggle for not telling the truth about his dead brother. And now she is planning to exhume Sara's body and take it to Nanda Parbat where she plans to give her remains a dip in the Lazarus Pit. She plans to hide this fact from Oliver and makes Thea swear that she would never tell anyone about it.

Thea is also having trouble keeping her rage in check which is the result of her resurrection via the Lazarus Pit which Oliver finally admits. He is worried about her and has no idea how to deal with her instability. Laurel suggested seeking out the League of Assassins for help with Thea.

In a post by Den Of Geek, Oliver's partner Felicity is busy with her own affairs at Palmer Technologies. She meets Mr. Terrific's alter-ego Curtis Holt as they are paired off to work as a team to stop Palmer Tech from firing people due to operational costs. Felicity is keen to stop the layoffs as the CEO of the company while Oliver tries to establish a new identity. The Green Arrow is back but it will take Oliver more than vigilante work to help save the city.

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