‘Star Wars Battlefront’ Gameplay & Update: DICE Says Private Matches at Launch Unlikely to Happen

Game developer DICE has released new details about its soon-to-be-launched video game, "Star Wars Battlefront." According to the latest information shared by the company, private matches during the game's launch in November will unlikely happen.

The game developer has emphasized via Twitter that such gameplay feature won't be supported. It can be recalled that DICE has also previously announced that in "Star Wars Battlefront," a dedicated chat system or a server browser on the console will not be featured, according to Gamespot.

"The developer's brief statement doesn't rule out private matches coming to Battlefront sometime down the road, however. Another EA game, Titanfall, introduced private matches through a post-release update. Of course, players can still form parties of their own to play with friends; on Xbox One, party chat was recently increased to support up to 12 users at once," the report has noted.

Gamerant stated that the lack of private matches during the official game launch of "Star Wars Battlefront" will be beneficial to both avid gamers and developers.

"It would give fans an additional reason to log into Battlefront and play with their friends, which means increased replay value, and would remove the chance of lost revenue for DICE and EA should some folks avoid the title altogether until the feature is added," the report said.

"Of course, players can still form parties of their own to play with friends; on Xbox One, party chat was recently increased to support up to 12 users at once. EA has announced that Battlefront is getting four expansion packs that you can buy through the game's $50 DLC pass. In addition, three new multiplayer modes have been revealed, while DICE has admitted that the 40-player Walker Assault mode is poorly balanced and will be changed," Gamespot said.

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