7 Easy Halloween Decorations: Cheap DIY Home Decors

Running out of ideas for cheap Halloween decorations? Here are some easy DIY Halloween decors for your home that are absolutely cheap:

Ghost Lanterns

Get empty milk jugs and fill them up with white holiday lights. Start drawing creepy faces on the jugs and voila! Place them on your walkway or front porch.

Jack-O-Lantern Jars

Are you tired of your Halloween pumpkins not lasting long enough? Then these simple jack-o-lanterns would surely last past your Halloween party. Cover empty jars with orange construction paper. Add face features with black construction paper. Place in candles (battery-operated will do, too) and watch your jack-o-lanterns glow.

Laced Pumpkins

Decorate your pumpkins with lace! First, spray white paint on your pumpkins and have them wrapped in lace. If you don't have a lace fabric, you can use a lace stocking and fit it around the pumpkin's widest part.

Spider Banner

A useful Halloween décor tip from Oh My! Creative: Glue spider's legs (made of black yarn) to a pom. Glue a small dot on the middle of the pom and sprinkle orange sparkles. Cut paper straws in half. After the spiders are all dried up, sew the straws through the spider's belly and string all the spiders along.

Halloween Door Mummy

This DIY Halloween décor will only take 5 minutes tops! Tape paper streamers to the door. Make sure to overlap the strips. Cut circles on black sheets and white construction paper to create eyes. Put the eyes on top of your door.

Witch's Candy Dish

Get a pair of old heels and wrap them in sparkly paper. Decorate and then fill them with your Halloween treats.

Ghosts and Bats

Turn your egg cartons into bats! Cut, paint, and don't forget to add in googly eyes! To create easy Halloween ghosts, paint leaves white and draw spooky faces on them using a marker.

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