6 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Great

The scent of lovely flowers or the sea breeze and even fresh lemons are really inviting especially when you enter a home that smells so good. Who can resist a lovely smelling home? Even if your house is simple, the good smell can make your home stand out.

There are many options right now in the market to achieve the great long-lasting scent for our homes from infusers, burning oils, and even scent diffusers. etc. And there are also a lot of scents to choose from. Elle Decor and Good Housekeeping shows us tips on how to achieve this by using some tools we already have in our homes.

1. Simmer some lovely scents in your stove.

The Interior Designer Rhobin Dela Cruz shares how we can make a great scent by just using a stove. Dela Cruz said, "Simmer water in a small saucepan and add citrus slices and herbs, like lavender or mint."

The scent that the stove creates will surround your house, this is a simple and easy tip. Collect your favorite herbs and scents and try this trick at home.

2. Dish that stinky smell

If a stinky, fish smell is not vanishing in your home, the stink may be coming from your sink. So to take off that unwanted smell, try pouring some dishwashing liquid in your sink with water. If it still persists, Interior Designer Keita Turner advised, "First try spritzing a dollop of lemon-scented dish soap down into the disposal, run the water, then turn it on."

3. Place candles strategically.

Try the linen closet, or anywhere fabrics might live and be able to absorb the scent. Not only do you get a nice surprise every time you open the door, but your linens will carry the aroma with them wherever you use them." says interior designer Dee Murphy.

4. Indoor Plants can also help.

Another tip for homemakers is to try placing plants inside the home; Turner suggests in placing "geraniums, Arabian jasmine, eucalyptus, gardenias, corsage orchids, and Cuban oregano."

5. Car deodorizer in the air vents

Dela Cruz suggests this simple trick, clipping an air deodorizer in your home's air vents. This she says, "As the air blows through, the scent will waft throughout the room."

6. Aroma of baked goodies

The scent of cinnamon or vanilla is always a lovely treat especially when we are baking some of our favorite goodies. It serves as a dual purpose and the aroma of the baked treats can leave our homes smelling sweeter.

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