‘Arrow’ Season 4 Spoilers: Episode 3 'Restoration' Synopsis Released; Episode 4 ‘Haunted’ Why Constantine Appears

"Arrow" Season 4 are heating for spoilers in episodes 3 and 4. The synopsis of episode 3 "Restoration" has been revealed, and episode 4 "Haunted" synopsis will also explain why John Constantine visits Star City.

The recent report of IBTimes concerning "Arrow" Season 4 episode 3 "Restoration" reveals about the return of 3 characters plus a new villain.

From the previous episode, Thea Queen and Laurel are heading back to Nanda Parbat with the hope to bring back to life the dead and decayed body of Sara. But it appears that in episode 3, their triumphant return will be prevented by Malcolm Merlyn and Nyssa as they block the two ladies from going inside to the Lazarus Pit.

It is also expected that "Arrow" Season 4 episode 3 will show the "growing tension" between Oliver and John Diggle. Report says that this latent hostility between the two vigilantes "will put their lives when they go after Damien Darhk and a HIVE-deployed meta-human," named Double Down.

Double Down is chiefly connected with "The Flash" in DC Comics, but he is expected to bring chaos in Star City as Damien Darhk planned it.

While episode 3 "Restoration" of "Arrow" season 4 is yet to be aired, Den of Geek has released an article of episode 4 revealing some details of "Haunted." This is probably fans of Constantine could wait to know the guest appearance of their favorite comic character, and "the CW has now released an official synopsis for Arrow season 4 episode 4." So, why wait, right?

Based on the report, the synopsis reads: "When things take a turn for the worse with Sara (guest star Caity Lotz), Oliver (Stephen Amell) calls in a favor from an old friend who deals in the mystical, John Constantine (guest star Matt Ryan). John Badham directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Oscar Balderrama."

So that makes the news official. John Constantine will be in Star City as Oliver asked him a favor. His appearance will be on the 4th episode of "Arrow" season 4.

Would you like John Constantine to stay in Star City for a while and be a regular cast of "Arrow" Season 4? Let us know what you think of this idea.

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