‘Arrow’’ Star John Barrowman Teases Malcolm’s Return as Ra’s al Ghul

In the last episode of "Arrow," Ra's al Ghul is back but he is not what fans expect him to be.

"Arrow" star John Barrowman who plays Malcolm has become Ra's al Ghul and he is in complete control of the League of Assassins. The actor breaks down the dynamic of his character and the new role he assumed as leader of the League.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Barrowman was asked how different it has been for his character Malcolm now that he has been tagged as the new Ra's al Ghul. He started off by saying Malcolm is in total control of the League. He teased that on the next episode of the show, something will happen that will make the League bow down to his will completely.

However, Malcolm is also in for a complete shock when Laurel and Thea arrive at the League carrying the body of Sara. Barrowman adds that Malcolm will be met by a dilemma that will weigh heavily on him; whether to allow Laurel and Thea to use the Lazarus Pit to resurrect Sara. He knows the effects of the Pit which is why he did not want his daughter resurrected. Unfortunately for him, it is what the two has exactly in mind of doing. Barrowman also shared that since everyone knows that he has a hand in his daughter's death it would be a foregone conclusion that he would agree to rectify his deed. But that will not be the case, he said.

According to TV Line, Malcom knows there is something happening to Thea as a result of being resurrected via the Lazarus Pit. She has become more ferocious with each passing day so he expressed his concern. Barrowman then proceeds to tease with what Malcolm will do to Thea. He only said that it will be unethical and will have absolutely no morals to base on.

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