In less than 48 hours since the developer Bungie has activated what is supposed to be the latest ultimate challenge, Hard Mode for "Destiny's King's Fall Raid", the news that the raid has been conquered in less than 90 minutes is making a loud buzz.
Released in September, "Destiny: The Taken King" is an expansion of Bungie's first-person shooter, while "Destiny King's Fall Raid" is the last piece of the expansion and supposedly the hardest. According to Forbes, the recommended light level for Hard Mode is 310 and very few people have gotten to that and with the latest hard mode, the cap has been raised to 320 and this new raid is said to be in the only path to the max level.
Just when the latest "King's Fall Raid" is believed to be difficult to conquer, a certain team was reported to have beaten that piece of the expansion in less than 90 minutes. According to GameSpot, the world's first team to beat "King's Fall on Hard Mode" was "Clan Forever LivE" and Bungie announced it via Twitter. The post displayed the team's stats that said kills were 170, K/D ratio was 24.29, 93 assists and only seven deaths. The post read, "It's official! Clan Forever LivE is the first team to complete King's Fall Hard Mode! Congratulations!!!"
It's official! Clan Forever LivE is the first team to complete King's Fall Hard Mode! Congratulations!!!
— Bungie (@Bungie) October 23, 2015
Bungie has added a little reminder, saying that the raid activity is only considered officially complete once the players leave the area. So for those aspiring to grab the "world's first" title from the current reigning team they should not celebrate yet until they have returned to orbit. "Kill Oryx and get out of there," Bungie urged. "Celebratory dancing could rob you of your glory." Do you think another team would be able to beat the raid in a much lesser time and rob the title from "Clan Forever LivE"?