‘The Walking Dead’ Season 6 Episode 3 Spoilers, Recap: Major Character Killed Off While Returning to Alexandria, Rick Trapped

"The Walking Dead" just said goodbye to one of its most main characters and fans are mostly shocked, pissed, and sad.

Warning: "The Walking Dead" season 6 episode 3 spoilers ahead so if you haven't seen the episode yet, stop reading now!

As mentioned by Variety, "The Walking Dead" season 6 recap indicate that the zombie herders split to try to go back to Alexandria (which by the way was attacked by the Wolves and Carol showing off her knife skills perfectly). Rick broke off from the group to try to get the RV back while Michonne and Glenn were to lead Nicholas, Heath, and other Alexandrians back to safety. Unfortunately, things didn't go well as planned which led to Glenn and Nicholas being trapped on top of a dumpster with an island full of walkers. It was then that Nicholas zoned out and Glenn starts calling him to focus. As soon as Nicholas says "Thank you," he shoots himself in the head. That part could be okay (since Nicholas wasn't entirely loved by fans anyway) until Glenn falls over the edge of the dumpster and was then devoured by the surrounding walkers.

TVD spoilers also revealed that as soon as Rick sees the RV, he radios for Glenn and Tobin but he didn't get any response. He was able to contact Daryl until a Wolf starts shooting at Rick. He fought off two Wolves in the RV and sees others coming so he starts shooting again.

"The Walking Dead" spoilers were also given by Comicbook wherein the final part of the "Thank You" episode showed Michonne, Heath, and Scott finding a burnt church with a food track crashed into it. Daryl is reunited with Abraham and Sasha and they continued to lead a large group of walkers. Rick, on the other hand, was trapped in the RV that won't start while walkers are seen everywhere.

"The Walking Dead" airs every Sundays on AMC.

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