‘Pretty Little Liars’ 6B Spoilers: Hanna Seeing A New Man, Caleb the Protagonist

November may be the month many are looking forward to, not just because of the halloween spooks or trick-or-treats but because of the girls of "Pretty Little Liars" comeback. So what will we expect on the ABC Family's show when it returns? Hollywood Life gives us the gritty little details that many are wanting to know with "Pretty Little Liars" Season 6B.

Sit back and breathe for these "Pretty Little Liars" spoilers may excite and even leave you heartbroken.

"Pretty Little Liars" season 6B spoilers indicate that the girls are finding themselves in Rosewood again. And they are expected to lie about something for Ali's behalf but this might not go well for all of them. They soon realized that their action on doing this is simply not okay at all. Aside from this, Spencer is in a middle of an important decision. And noting from the article, Caleb and Spencer are indeed having a great deal of friendship in the trailer.

And for Hanna and CalePfans! Sorry guys but it seems that the reunion of Haleb is not pushing through. As the scoop from the Hollywood Life says for PLL spoilers, no engagement will be happening between Caleb and Hanna. Apart from this heartbreaking reveal, Hanna may indeed be with a new man as the trailer promo revealed, she was seen kissing a new "mysterious" man.

"Pretty Little Liars" season 6B spoilers reveal that another riveting event happens for Hanna and yes, Melissa is coming back to the scene. And Melissa has told something to the blonde and as suggested, Hanna may not be ready or up to the truth that Melissa questions about her dark past.

Another romance pair that will not be making it is Aria and Ezra, though it seems that these two may have had some sparks going on previously. Apparently, this is not happening but still Ezra promised that he will be helping Aria when she needs him and in no matter what the circumstance.

"Pretty Little Liars" spoilers also reveal that Caleb maybe the ultimate protagonist this season that he even summons the "big bad."

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