‘The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes’ Gameplay: Nintendo Reveals Details Of The Game, Gamers Will Play As The Exact Same Hero From ‘A Link Between Worlds’?

On Monday, game developer Nintendo explained where "The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes" falls in the game's official "Zelda" timeline. The company has issued a statement after the release of the video game as fans are seemingly confused about the title's timeline, a report from Gamespot said.

Hiromasa Shikata, game director of "The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes," told Gamespot in an interview that players will play "as the exact same hero from A Link Between Worlds." He described it as "a little unusual for a Zelda game."

"Initially, the story starts with the king recruiting hero candidates, and that's where Link steps in. There's a part of me that doesn't want people to come into the game thinking, 'Is he not a hero then? Is he just a candidate?' But I want to reassure people that this Link is the hero that came from the A Link Between Worlds world," he said.

"The Legend of Zelda timeline might be one of the most confusing time lines in gaming. Even though there are the official books on the subject, there are still enough questions raised from each game to drive hardcore Legend of Zelda fans mad with confusion and spark interesting debates. With another release in the series, Triforce Heroes, the timeline continues to grow and branch in new directions," Nintendo Enthusiast noted.

A photo has also been released by the company to further explain where "The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes" falls in the "Zelda timeline."

"The game takes place several years after A Link Between Worlds and features the same hero. Certain events bring him to the Kingdom of Hytopia, where he dresses as he does in order to hide his heroic origins. There's no telling where the other hero candidates come from, but the player character you control is the true Hyrulian hero from A Link Between Worlds, I'd definitely recommend giving it a play," a text from the photo reads.

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