Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update: LG G Flex 2, LG G4, LG G3 and LG G Stylo to Receive this Android OS

Based from various online reports, the LG G4 will be the first to receive the newest Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update. The rest of the LG handsets such as LG Flex 2, LG G3 and LG G Style will also get the latter update on carriers such as AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon.

According to Neurogadget, the first ones to enjoy the Android Marshmallow upgrade are the LG G4 users from Poland. As of the moment, there is no word yet when exactly the LG G4 owners from other parts of the world will get their hands on the Android 6.0 Marshmallow, but hopefully it will be soon.

LG is determining how the users in Poland will respond to this upgrade. If it goes as planned, the Android M is expected to reach other LG G4 devices either in January or February. It is also expected that Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T will grab the Android M upgrade.

T-Mobile says that the LG G Stylo as well as the LG G3 devices will be amongst the first ones to receive the Android M upgrade. According to various rumors, November might be the time for the Android M rollout and that more recent LG devices, such as the LG G Flex 2 and the LG G4, will be hit first. While all the new devices will receive the Android M, the older models like the LG G2 might not get the Android M upgrade.

LG G4 users in Poland will be the first to get the Android Marshmallow upgrade, according to an Android Pit report. Reports also show that LG is using Poland as a testing ground for the Android M update. If the test goes well, other LG G4 handsets in other countries may get the update in a few months, says Yibada News.

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