Creator of Cancelled Game Focusing on Darth Maul Seeking Second Chance

The developer of the 2010 video game flop featuring "Star Wars" antagonist Darth Maul is hoping for a second chance.

According to Polygon, the creator of the cancelled video game is trying to resurrect the game. He has also admitted that it would not be easy knowing that EA is the exclusive publisher of any "Star Wars" game for the future. Electronic Arts and Disney announced way back 2013 that EA has been granted exclusive publishing rights to Star Wars video games. The expiration date is unknown for the multi-year agreement.

Dan Borth, Red Fly CEO and owner, has recently conducted a Reddit AMA, writing, "My name is Dan Borth (AKA Rancor_Lover) of Red Fly Studio. We created the Darth Maul title for Lucas Arts that was cancelled. We are currently working on resurrecting it and I am here to answer questions."

According to Gamespot, Borth has revealed in the AMA that Red Fly is currently working on a "full, next-gen demo of all things Maul to show to the powers that be." He also said, "It's been a lot of work on our off-time." He is obviously hoping that the cancelled "Darth Maul" game would finally see the light of day.

Having said that EA is the exclusive publisher for "Star Wars" games, this also means that Borth would have to get a go signal from them. Speaking of this he said, "We have been burning a candle for this game since it was killed in hopes we can get it turned back on again. If that is to happen we need to approach EA with a demo that will impress them. I think we have that or are close to it. Still it is completely not up to us."

EA will be releasing the upcoming first and third-person shooter "Star Wars Battlefront" in November and the said game is based on the original trilogy and not spinoffs or prequels. With this, do you think that EA would be interested with a game which focuses on the formidable Sith Lord Darth Maul.

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