'Arrow' Season 4 Episode 4 Spoilers: Oliver Asks Lance For A Favor; Will Sarah Face Death Again?

After being resurrected from the dead, it was reported that Sara (guest star Caity Lotz) might be facing death again in the new episode of "Arrow" Season 4.

In the previous episode of "Arrow" Season 4, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Thea (Willa Holland) asked Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) and Nyssa (Katrina Law) to bring Sara back from the dead through the Lazarus Pit. Malcom was reportedly against it but eventually approved of it to appease Thea.

However, they found out that bringing Sara back to life has major consequences. It was reported that when she came back from the dead, she was not the same Sara anymore. It was then revealed that Malcom tampered with the Lazarus Pit, and this led to his promotion as the head of the League of Assassins.

According to Design & Trend, in the new official trailer for "Arrow" Season 4 episode 4, it was revealed that Sara might be suffering from the effects of the Lazarus Pit. Captain Lance (Paul Blackthorne) then asked the help of Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough), and based on the preview, it seems that Damien's advice is to kill Sara. According to the official synopsis for episode 4, Laurel will be dealing with the repercussions of taking Sara to Nanda Parbat.

Meanwhile, it was also revealed that Oliver (Stephen Amell) will be asking Lance for a favor, and although he won't be surprised with his response, Oliver will have a shocking discovery.

On the other hand, Oliver had already patched things up with Diggle (David Ramsey), and it was reported that they will be dealing with a new threat in Star City. According to Christian Today, a new villain, Double Down (JR Bourne), will be coming to bring chaos in the city and will even try to kill Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards).

"Arrow" Season 4 airs every Wednesday on The CW.

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