5 Items Every Grown-up Bedroom Needs

You are now a grown up and you finally get the only say to how you want your bedroom to look like (but you loved your childhood bedroom that you mom styled, of course). After all, it's your refuge after a long "grown up" day.

So how do you turn your bedroom into a master bedroom that you deserve? Here are 5 items every grown-up bedroom needs according to About Home:

Nice sheets

Every hardworking grown-up deserves good quality sheets that feel good against the skin, stain free and snag free. After a tiring day, you deserve to rest on smooth sheets that are not only good to the touch but also to the eyes. Choose matching sheets that go well with your room's interior design; they don't have to cost you a lot as long as they match and are comfortable.

Quality mattress

Do you get enough hours of rest but still wake up feeling drab and fatigued? Maybe you need to change you mattress. It's time to move on from blowup beds, futons, and old mattresses that sag in the middle. Get a good night's restorative sleep by getting a mattress that will give good support to your usually tired body.

Bedside tables

They don't have to match, and they don't even have to be actually tables. A grown-up bedroom will look more put together with bedside furnishings to hold the bedside lamp, your reading materials, a cup of tea, or a box of Kleenex. You can go for repurposed items to use as nightstand for a cozier vibe.

Full-length mirror

Your bedroom's second most important function after sleep is dressing room, and a full-length mirror is a must have so you can check your outfit from head to toe. Place it in a strategic location like the back of your bedroom door, inside the closet, or install it to your closet door.

Real furniture

It doesn't have to be a matched set of furniture, but your grown-up bedroom definitely needs real ones. A trunk as a footboard can work well just like a pair of old shutters at the head of the bed. However, as much possible, refrain from plastic milk crates as accessory holder, a bookcase made from cinder blocks, and rolling organizers from Target. Those things are better left to the service porch, a dorm room, and a kid's room. You are working hard and you definitely deserve to splurge on some good pieces of real furniture for your space of retreat.

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