Anna Duggar, the wife of Josh Duggar of reality TV show, "19 Kids and Counting," who was involved in a series of sex scandals, has finally came out from hiding as she was pictured during Jill Dillard's farewell party.
Based on the photos, Anna looked happy with a newborn baby and her husband, despite being in rehab. It was rumored that Anna was considering filing a divorce from Josh after being unfaithful in their marriage. But the recent photos showing a beaming Anna could tell a different story. It was also rumored that the Anna and Josh sold their home days after the Ashley Madison scandal which could manifest that the two is splitting, In Touch Weekly reported.
As the Duggars spent time with Jill before they head back to Central America for mission work, Anna joined the family sporting a huge a smile. Apparently, Anna is remaining strong and is taking everything in stride despite her husband's infidelity and pornography addiction. Knowing that Anna is spending time with the Duggars, it signifies that she is not divorcing Josh like what news reports are saying.
Before the farewell party of Jill, Anna was said to be living with her family in Florida where she bought with her their kids. The Duggars helped Anna in taking care of her children. With the new photos posted on The Dillards blog, it seems that Anna is happy with the Duggars and is not showing any signs of stress. Unlike her last exposure to the media during Amy Duggar's wedding, Anna looked a lot better now and is no longer distressed.
As for Josh, the rehabilitation facility where he is staying isn't confirmed yet but rumors said that he could be staying at a Christian rehabilitation facility called Reformers Unanimous. No news about the condition of Josh is being released by the Duggars. Josh will be leaving rehab on February next year but this wasn't confirmed by the family yet.