'Doom' Updates: Official Multiplayer Closed Alpha Gameplay Video Released, Leaked Screen Shot of Weapons

Earlier this month, Doom's closed alpha was announced and it will be playable for selected testers. Prior to that, an official gameplay has been released gaining popularity online along leaked screenshots of its full weapon list.

While the official DOOM Multiplayer Closed Alpha - Gameplay Video was shared by Bethesda, a slideshow of the leaked photos of weapons can be found in DSO Gaming. The leak includes the Plasma Rifle, Repeater, Rocket Launcher, Super Shotgun, Vortex Rifle and Static Cannon.

The weapons have the following description as stated in the screenshot: The Plasma Rifle fires heated plasma capable of dealing splash damage. The Repeater is a battle rifle with three-round burst mode. The Rocket Launcher is a standard rocket launcher with a mod that detonates all live rockets at once. The Super Shotgun is a break-action double-barrel that fires a widespread buckshot. Vortex Rifle is a precision long range weapon with magnified optic. Lastly, the Static Cannon is a precision weapon that gains power with constant motion.

According to Design and Trend, "Doom" is unique from games like "Call of Duty" because gamers have access to a wider supply of firearms instead of having only primary and secondary weapon options. And since there are more attack options, a particular match would seem more hectic, critical and fast-paced

ON the other hand, the official gameplay clip offers fans a full detailing of what they will see when they enter the "Doom" alpha. Interested players who want to access "Doom" Alpha should have preordered "Wolfenstein: The New Order" before May 26, 2014.

When "Doom" made an appearance at Bethesda's E3 2015 presscon, it was positively received by crowd who appreciate hardcore action even if critics have criticized the demo for excessive violence

The game is expected to be released in 2016 for PS4, Xbox One and PC .

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