'One Piece' Chapter 805 Spoilers & Predictions: Nami Will Turn Into An Animal; Timeskip Required For Luffy To Gain More Strength

The new chapter of "One Piece" is speculated to be released this week, and fans are now discussing what can be expected in chapter 805.

According to the chapter 804 recap by Design & Trend, one of the Minks that was attacking the Mink Tribe was wearing Nami's clothing. Because of this, it was speculated that Sanji is working with the Mink tribe now as it is hard to believe that Sami would allow Nami to be exploited by anyone.

In the previous chapter, Zoro was also seen engaging with one of the Minks in combat. The Mink seems to be strong enough to dodge Zoro's attacks, and Zoro was also forced to defend himself against the Minks.

In chapter 805, it was reported that a new enemy that appeared on the different gate in chapter 804 will reappear. As of writing, there is still no confirmation about the identity of the enemy.

Meanwhile, Christian Post reports that many fans speculate that Nami turned into an animal, and this will be shown in the new chapter. It was believed that the Mink men have the power to transform humans into animals, and fans believe that this is what they have done to Nami.

On the other hand, it was also speculated that Luffy will need timeskip to gain more strength. Fans believe that Luffy's power is still nowhere near the likes of the four Yonkou or marine Admirals, which is why Luffy will be looking for ways to increase his power to be able to beat the increasing strength of his enemies. This could be his current mission as he was seen splitting off from everyone else as he drifted to an abandoned city.

Meanwhile, it was also reported that Kaido's crew members who were fighting against Sanji and company will be seen in the next few chapters, and many believe that they are after something that the Strawhat crew has, which is most likely Momonosuke.

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