'Power Rangers' Movie Updates: Characters are Given New Names

Power Rangers fans are in for a surprise as the creators of the new Power Rangers film changed the name of the powerful team from Liongate's Mighty Morphin-- they will now be called Saban's Power Rangers.

According to ign.com, the change was to attach or incorporate more the name of the series' co- creator Haim Saban. The film's director Dean Israelite is currently working with Haim Saban with the other changes they are going make within the film while the cast is still being completed.

It was also reported that the film team has changed the heroes' names in order to create a new set of characters rather than to adapt the original film. The new names of the characters are:

- Callum Oliver - The Red Ranger/Tyrannosaurus

- Priya Patel - The Pink Ranger/Pterodactyl

- Brian Olson - The Blue Ranger/Triceratops

- Oscar Fernandez - The Black Ranger/Mastodon

- Teyana Jones - The Yellow Ranger/Sabre-tooth Tiger

However, original fans can still celebrate as the costumes from the original series are set to be seen in the film even though it still not sure when or in which part of the movie.

In a report by io9.com, despite of all the changes in the names of the characters, it can still be noted that the characters are still paired with their original iconic animal vehicles.

As of now, four out of five rangers have confirmed cast already though the director is aiming to assemble a much younger and not- so- popular actors to make sure that the production is within their budget of $35 million range. The four available actors and actresses are Ludi Lin as Black Ranger, Naomi Scott as Pink Ranger, RJ Cyler as Blue Ranger and Dacre Montgomery as the Red Ranger.

The new Power Ranger films or currently known now as Saban's Power Rangers is set to be released on January 13, 2017.

What are your thoughts about these changes? Are you excited with this new Power Rangers' film? Sound it in the comments!

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