'Bleach' Chapter 649 Spoilers & Fan Predictions: Battle Between Shunsui and Barro Intensifies

As fans are waiting for the release of "Bleach" chapter 649 this week, many fans are now speculating on what will happen in the next chapter.

In "Bleach" chapter 648, Shunsui showed Barri the surprising and devasting power of hi bankai. In this chapter, it was revealed that Shunsui's sword has the ability to deal damage to his enemies by sharing the pain of his owner. In their fight, Barri was able to deal some significant damage to Shunsui, and it seems like it backfired on the Sternritter.

According to the recap by Venture Capital Post, fans were treated with the different levels of Shunsui's bankai in the previous chapter. The first level of Shunsui's power is called "Hesitating Sharing of the Wound," which allowed Shunsui to share his wounds with his enemy. The second level is called "Bed of Shame," which infects his opponents with an incurable disease. The last level is considered to be the most dangerous one called "Dangyo's Abyss."

According to KPop Starz, many fans predict that in the new chapter of "Bleach," Barro and Shunsui's fight will intensify as both fighters have already laid down all their cards. The battle will be a test as to who will have the upper hand. Some fans speculate that this will not be the end for Barro as Quincies have the ability to steal bankais with the use of their amulets.

Many fans were reportedly quite surprised that Barro has not stolen Shunsui's bankai yet, considering that he has the ability to do so. Some fans also expressed their confusion on the different levels of power in Shunsui's bankai and said that the story is still unclear on how the different levels are activated and the extent of their power.

It is expected that more spoilers for "Bleach" episode 649 will be released this week.

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