‘The Flash’ Season 2 Spoilers: ‘Darkness and The Light’ Episode Uncovers Zoom; ‘Gorilla Warfare’ Episode Grodd Returns

"The Flash" season 2 has revealed spoilers of 2 upcoming episode. Episode 5, titled as "Darkness and The Light," reveals what the titular hero will learn about Zoom. Episode 7 is already titled "Gorilla Warfare" because Grodd returns to Central City to be a menace.

IBTimes says that Dr. Wells will have another chance to work with Barry in episode 5 of "The Flash" season 2. If one could recall in episode 4, Barry Allen didn't expect to see Harrison Wells again.

Obviously, Wells' return to Central City is beyond unexpected. It is also unbelievable that he also saved "The Flash" from King Shark. It is natural that there will be doubts, and that it is hard for Barry Allen to bury the hatchet since the former head of S.T.A.R. Labs killed Barry's mom.

In a separate report of Christian Today, it says that "The Flash" will learn alarming information about Zoom. Barry will unravel the truth about this mysterious villain when he was fighting Dr. Light, another metahuman who breached into Central City through the portal.

In the upcoming episode, "The Darkness and the Light," of "The Flash," fans will find out if Barry Allen "will learn to trust Earth 2's Wells." It has been noted in the promo teaser that team needs the help of Dr. Wells.

The synopsis of "The Flash" episode 5 reads "Barry and the S.T.A.R. Labs team have another enemy to contend with as well. It seems a meta-human called Dr. Light slips through the portal from Earth 2 and Barry needs some help from Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) to take her down. But during a fight with the Flash, Dr. Light blinds him and drops some shocking news about Zoom (Tony Todd)."

In a different note, it is not only Harrison Wells who returns to Central City, Comic Book says that Grodd will also return in episode 7. The menace gorilla is back to pose a threat to the city. Spoilers reveal that in this episode of "The Flash," Grodd will abduct Caitlin. Barry and his team will move fast in finding her before it's too late.

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