'Super Mario Maker' Wii U : Gameplay Reveals Glitch, Shows Yoshi Swallowing Blocks in the Game

A new report has surfaced on Friday saying that avid fans and players of "Super Marion Maker" for Wii U have spotted a bug in the game. Players claim that Yoshi eats concrete blocks in the game. The glitch is triggered if a player places a coin below certain items, a report from Design & Trend said.

According to the report, the glitch has been discovered as 360Chrism, a YouTube user, conducted a live video demonstration of the game.

"At around the 15-second marker in the video, it's possible to see Yoshi suck up a concrete block as if it were a shell or edible item. As anyone that has played 'Super Mario Maker' before will know, that's not typically possible. Under normal circumstances, Yoshi's tongue should pass through the block with no impact. Instead, the item gets sucked in and completely removed from the level," the report said.

It was said that the concrete blocks shown in the live video demonstration of the game were some of "Super Mario Maker's" impenetrable items. "The only way one would usually get rid of those is by breaking through them with the help of a Spiny Shell Helmet. Those occasions are rare though, and they only happen if the course's creator provides the correct chain of items to allow it," the report said.

Fans have also conducted similar tests to demonstrate and validate the glitch that was spotted by 360Chrism.

"Some friends of mine encountered this in a live stream earlier, and I made a little level to test/demonstrate it. Instead of eating a coin, you can either duplicate the coin, or eat the block above the coin. We've tested it and successfully eaten: Rotating Block, Question Block, Hidden Question Block, Hard Block, Cloud, Ice, Donut Block, Note Block, Music Block. We haven't been able to get it to work with any other blocks/items so far in our testing," gamer stendec365 said, as quoted on Reddit.

Another Reddit user named Morth said: "There were bugs, certainly. Just look at any old game in an emulator. But these things can also be fixed socially, not just technically. Most communities develop rules about which bugs are allowed to be used and which aren't. The people not abiding will be shunned or leave on their own."

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