‘How to Get Away with Murder’ Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: ‘Two Birds, One Millstone’

"How to Get Away with Murder" sixth episode for its second season is called "Two Birds, One Millstone" which finds Annalise getting a new client who is a transgender being tagged as her husband's killer. The Hapstall case also gets a new suspect.

Annalise will have her hands full in the sixth episode of the current season as she is approached by a good friend to take on a case. According to Celeb Dirty Laundry, the Hapstall siblings are adamant about their claim that somebody is framing them up for the murder of their parents. Annalise decides to go along with this plot and she tells her students to look for a suitable suspect who she can pin the murder on. However, all their leads take them to a dead end with everyone connected to the case either does not have enough motive for doing the crime or is already dead. They finally decided to try their luck on the Hapstalls' biological parents.

The siblings will not have the Keating 5 digging into their real parents which makes the team all the more suspicious. The two do not want to drag their biological fathers and mothers into the mess they are in as they believe they owe it to them for giving them the life they are currently enjoying.

Meanwhile, in a post by Entertainment Weekly, Jill Hartford, a professor who is also a close friend of Annalise seeks her help in a murder case. Jill is a transgender and she is being tagged in the murder of her own husband. The police think her motive for killing him is he found out that she was transgender. She did kill her husband but only to stop him from physically abusing her. Annalise orchestrates her magic once again and untangles the mess her friend found herself in.

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