'Pacific Rim 2' Updates: Scripts and Budget Are Final Says Director

The Kaiju will be back as 2013 "Pacific Rim" may indeed eventually get a sequel.

It was recently reported that the production of "Pacific Rim 2" was delayed. Such news even ignited fears that the sequel to the 2013 ill-fated movie might have been cancelled. "Pacific Rim" was reported to have fared poorly with regards to domestic ticket sales and many have presumed that that is the reason why producers are hesitant to come up with a sequel.

The official announcement came from "Pacific Rim" director Guillermo del Toro himself. He has posted the good news on his personal twitter account. The post read, "PACIFIC RIM 2: Budget and script went in. No answers yet. If anything happens, I will post. If nothing happens, I will just keep rambling."

According to Cinema Blend, with that tweet the director has confirmed that the script and budget for "Pacific Rim 2" have been finalized. However, Del Toro is still waiting for a green light from the studio. The studio may still be trying to decide if it is worth the money, time and effort knowing that the first Kaiju film only got more or less $400 million against a budget of $190 million

The sequel, titled as "Pacific Rim: Maelstrom" is rumored to be a direct follow-up of the original "Pacific Rim" film, according to Cinema Blend. There are rumors that the sequel will be centered on Dr. Newton Geiszler (Charlie Day) and Dr. Hermann Gottlieb (Burn Gorman). The cast from the first movie Charlie Hunnam, Rinko Kikuchi and Ron Perlman are rumored to join the cast.

Although this does not confirm yet that the movie is sure to go, it indicates that the director is committed to bring the fans of this sci-fi movie their highly requested sequel. If the movie indeed will happen, it is speculated to be released if 2017.

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