Ed Sheeran Net Worth: Singer Makes £63,000 Per Gig, Finally Gets A Driver's License

Great news was announced on social media as Ed Sheeran finally got his driver's licence, as per Inquisitr. In one of his interviews, the 24-year-old singer shared that he used to spend $1000 a month on taxis alone, simple because he doesn't have a driver's license yet. Just last Friday, however, he shared the exciting news on Twitter stating that he finally got his driver's license.

As per the Mirror, the singer shared:

"I've not upgraded because I don't spend much money. If I had all my money in one account I would spend all of it, so I get an allowance. Maybe a grand. I spend most of it on taxis!"

The "Photograph" singer took on Twitter as he publicly announced his excitement: "I'm driving for the first time ever today, on a race track, on TV. Wish me luck."

His fan page then posted a Tweet with his photo which was captioned:

Ed Sheeran passed his drivers test today, congrats @edsheeran

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